# asyncio library files ## Alphabetical | file | purpose | |--------|------------| | \__init\__.py | | | base_events.py | Base implementation of event loop | | base_futures.py | Check for a future and helper functions | | base_subprocess.py | Base subprocess transport and r/w pipe protocols | | base_tasks.py | task and its stack info | | constants.py | misc constants for connections and comms | | coroutines.py | coroutine helpers and wrapper | | events.py | Event loop abstract classes and handles | | format_helpers.py | callback format helpers | | futures.py | Future class | | locks.py | lock primitives, context, Event, Condition, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore | | log.py | logger for asyncio| | proactor_events.py | event loop using "notify on completion" mux; windows | | protocols.py | Protocol base classes | | queues.py | queues - useful for producer/consumer | | runners.py | run a coroutine | | selector_events.py | event loop using "notify-when-ready" mux; unix | | ssl_proto.py | SSL protocol and pipe | | streams.py | Stream readers and writers | | subprocess.py | subprocess readers and writers | | tasks.py | Support for tasks, coroutines and the scheduler; Task - coroutine wrapped in a Future | | transports.py | Base class for transports; types of transports | | unix_events.py | Selector event loop for Unix with signal handling | | windows_events.py | Selector and proactor event loops for Windows | | windows_utils.py | Windows helper utilities | ## By functionality | file | purpose | |------|---------| | **Event Loop** | | | base_events.py | Base implementation of event loop | | events.py | Event loop abstract classes and handles | | selector_events.py | event loop using "notify-when-ready" mux; unix | | proactor_events.py | event loop using "notify on completion" mux; windows | | unix_events.py | Selector event loop for Unix with signal handling | | windows_events.py | Selector and proactor event loops for Windows | | **Futures** | | | base_futures.py | Check for a future and helper functions | | futures.py | Future class | | **Coroutines** | | | coroutines.py | coroutine helpers and wrapper | | **Tasks** | | | base_tasks.py | task and its stack info | | tasks.py | Support for tasks, coroutines and the scheduler; Task - coroutine wrapped in a Future | | **Subprocesses** | | | base_subprocess.py | Base subprocess transport and r/w pipe protocols | | subprocess.py | subprocess readers and writers | | **Comms** | | | runners.py | run a coroutine | | transports.py | Base class for transports; types of transports | | protocols.py | Protocol base classes | | ssl_proto.py | SSL protocol and pipe | | streams.py | Stream readers and writers | | locks.py | lock primitives, context, Event, Condition, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore | | **Implementations** | | | format_helpers.py | callback format helpers | | queues.py | queues - useful for producer/consumer | | **Utilities** | | | log.py | logger for asyncio| | constants.py | misc constants for connections and comms | | windows_utils.py | Windows helper utilities | | \__init\__.py | |